Usher Education


Has Technology Really Changed the Way Students Learn?

Have you wondered, the ways in which technology revolves around us, or the ways in which we revolve around it? Technology has undoubtedly woven itself into every corner of our lives– in so many ways we are dependent on technology, From scrolling on social media and online shopping to the making of a vast knowledge-based […]

These Super-Foods Are Believed to Boost Student Academic Performance

Super Foods for students

Age:16years Height- 5.7″ Body weight – 52 kgs You must be wondering why I am sharing this. These were my anthropometric measurements in 10th grade. As my boards drew near, I found it difficult to focus on my studies and experienced a decline in my body weight. I was constantly stressed about my exams and […]

How Active Listening can make all the Difference for Students

How Active Listening can Make all the Difference for Students

Nothing is more annoying than having one’s voice ignored and not being acknowledged when one speaks. Everyone hates when people do not take them seriously while they are speaking. I guess we have all experienced this at some point!   When I take on a task, I tend to be very clumsy and make a […]

Top-Class Strategies to Boost Critical Thinking in Students

Top-Class Strategies to Boost Critical Thinking in Students

A critically thinking person is one who thinks about all the aspects of a situation or a problem. Also known as “Mr. 360°”.  Critical thinking is an important aspect of student development as it helps them approach challenges from different perspectives and come up with innovative solutions.   Students are in an age where they […]

Importance of Exams in Our Education System

Importance of Exams in Our Education System

Scene Teacher: Your exams are going to start next month. Make sure to prepare yourself and study thoroughly.  Students: (with a swollen, nervous expression) Oh! I have to start preparing for my exams right away.  This is one of those times when you realize that the time has arrived when your miscellaneous activities come to […]

Role of Physical Education in Schools

role of physical education in schools

Physical exercise and meditation are part of a student’s growth and development. Regular exercise and meditation keep students physically fit and mentally sharp. We have discussed the benefits of exercise and meditation for students. Let us understand the role and importance of physical education in a school’s curriculum.    What is Physical Education? Physical education […]

Best Ways to Build Top-Notch Student Personality

Best Ways to Build Top-Notch Student Personality

What is Personality Development? Personality development refers to the process of enhancing and refining one’s individual traits, behaviors, and characteristics. It involves acquiring new skills, improving communication abilities, and developing a positive mindset. This development aims to foster personal growth, boost self-confidence, and enhance overall well-being.  Why is Personality Development Important for Students? Personality development […]

How Placements Helps Students Build Their Career

How Placements Helps Students Build Their Career

What do you look into when considering a college or university? When picking the right college, I generally look to see whether or not the institution offers placements.  (This is the response I received from 90% of the students when I asked them this question.)  A student spends three to four years studying in order […]

Benefits of Exercise and Meditation for Students

Benefits of exercise and meditation for students

The best days of my school would be the days when I had physical training classes. Those were the days when we would get up early and eagerly await the physical training period.  We enjoyed choosing teammates, playing various games and competing against each other. We used to have just two training sessions a week, […]