Usher Education


What is Examophobia and How to tackle it? – A Complete Guide

What is Examophobia

You can feel the anxiety, stress, and tension building up inside of you as exams approach.  A little bit of anxiety and nervousness is good as it can motivate you to study and prepare for your exams. The problem arises when this anxiety turns into fear. Fear is an intensely unpleasant emotion in response to […]

Best Practices For Preventing Student Procrastination

Best practices for preventing student procrastination

Did you ever postpone your homework or any other work you were assigned?  Do you find it difficult and lazy to get started on your work?  Have you ever thought about why you feel that way?   This is the most basic and straightforward example of “Procrastination” What is Procrastination? Procrastination is the act of […]

Top Books Every Student Must Read

Top Books every student must read

A book is a gift you can open again and again -Garrison Keillor Do you read books?  I truly enjoy reading, and they support me through both good and bad times. I completely agree with Garrsion Keillor; they are a wonderful gift that one can return to and enjoy again and again. For students, developing […]

12 Hacks That Will Help You Prepare For Your Exams

12 Hacks That Will Help You Prepare For Your Exams

Exams: Every student’s worst nightmare.😰  Exams are one of the most challenging aspects of a student’s life. The pressure, anxiety, and stress that come with exams can be overwhelming.  Every student wants to ace their exams. And what’s the secret to it then?  “PREPARATION”. The factor that helps students achieve their desired results. How do […]

What is Hybrid Learning and Blended Learning? Simple Definitions, Key Differences, and Benefits

What is Hybrid Learning and Blended Learning Simple Definitions, Key Differences, and Benefits

A wide variety of educational approaches are emerging in this day and age with regard to modern education. Schools are incorporating technology into their curricula and adapting to new developments. More creative and adaptable approaches to education have replaced traditional methods. These approaches combine the best of both worlds, allowing students to have face-to-face interactions […]

Why Balanced Diet is Essential for Students

Why balanced diet is essential for students

“In today’s fast-paced environment, being good isn’t enough; you must be the best. And in order to be the best, you must consume the most nutritious foods”. When I was in high school, preparing for my board exams, our school principal gave me this advice. A little context for you: My exams were set to […]

27 Simple and Effective Study Techniques

27 Simple and Effective Study Techniques

How to focus on studies without getting distracted? How to study effectively? How to concentrate on studies? How to focus on studies? How to study smart? If you have ever had these concerns, you undoubtedly realize that your current study methods are insufficient and that you need to adjust them for better results.  How to […]

Traditional Education vs. Modern Education

Traditional Education vs Modern Education

The transmission of knowledge, skills, and character qualities is known as education. Education is extremely important in a person’s life. It provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values required for personal and professional development.  We have seen changes in the syllabus, curriculum, teaching methods, techniques, methodology, and overall approach to education over the years.  […]

5 Most Essential Parts Of Student Life

5 Most Essential Parts Of Student Life

Student life is that part of your life where you can learn, make mistakes, and enjoy yourself at the same time. You keep failing, and you keep learning. Trust me, if given the opportunity to return to my student days, I would do so without hesitation.  I understand how difficult it is to get up […]

Why Critical Thinking is Vital for Student Development

Why Critical Thinking is Vital for Student Development

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstien Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential for students because they enable them to approach challenges from different perspectives and come up with innovative solutions. These skills empower students to think critically, analyse information, and […]